On May 26, 2004, the British Columbia Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA BC) hosted a one day seminar entitled:

Web Solutions to Infrastructure & Asset Management

Date: May 26, 2004
Time: 8:00 am – 3:55 pm
Location: Ramada Plaza Conference Resort 10251 St. Edwards Drive, Richmond, BC

The seminar had three tracks:

Track 1: Infrastructure and Asset Management Tools
The first track provided information about GIS tools for infrastructure and asset management. The presentations will focus on tools and techniques for construction and development of an enterprise Infrastructure Management System. This track also included case studies of applications available for assets management.

Track 2: Applications built on top of Web-based GIS solutions
The second track focused on buisiness applications built on top of web based applications for asset maintenance and management and explored how they can be integrated with other information systems and processes.

Track 3: Web enabled data sharing and Sensitive data 
The third track dealt with role of intranet and interent in sharing data. This also included a panel discussion on data sharing in a web based environment. In addition to the available data sharing standards the panellists discussed issues about sharing sensitive data.


We have a dynamic lineup of speakers including: